Our entry for the GMTK2024 GameJam themed "Built to scale"!

You are a warehouse robot tasked with arranging very important items in exact layouts! Management will deduct from your pay if parts of the grid don't match the layout!

How to play:

Move: WASD

Grab Blocks: Space (Hold)

Rotate (While grabbing block) Q/E or J/K 

Restart on Game-Over: R
(when you or an object falls off the screen!)

Faster Object Spawn: Left-Shift
________________________________| Info: |_________________________________________
Every tile of an object on the payload grid gives you additional points - so fitting large objects perfectly really pays off!

Every tile of an object on the payload grid that is NOT on the grid reduces your score - ouch! You can do better!

When you or an object gets pushed off the play-area its game over!


Warehouse robot is deaf so there is no sound.


  • Andreas Salvator (@srslylawlDev) - Programming
  • Leonhard Samonig (@LeonhardSa) - Programming
  • Jakob Schmelzer-Ziringer - 3D Models
  • Sigrun Koch (@sigrun_k) - 2D Art


StorehouseStormWin.zip 29 MB

Development log

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